The regular users of our hall
Regular Users
A space for the community
Keele Village Hall is used by a wide range of organisations on a regular basis. Scroll down to learn more.
94th Keele Squirrels
Squirrel Scouts is a fun extracurricular club for 4-6 year olds where they can try new things, meet new people, and most importantly, have fun. Squirrels meet on Wednesdays from 17:00 to 17:45. If you know somebody that may be interested, do get in touch!
94th Keele Beavers
Beavers Scouts is a fun and exciting club for 6-8 year olds and is the next stage on from Squirrels. Beavers get the opportunity to learn new skills, get outside, and have fun. Beavers meet on Wednesdays from 17:45 to 18:45. If you know somebody that may be interested, do get in touch!
94th Keele Cubs
Joining Cub Scouts is a great way for 8-11 year olds to get outside, make new friends and have fun, all whilst being part of a global movement that gives fantastic opportunities. Children can join Cubs directly, or from moving up from Beavers so if you’re interested, get in touch. Cubs meet on Wednesdays from 18:45 to 20:00.
94th Keele Scouts
Scouts is a fantastic opportunity for 11-14 year olds to try new things, learn new skills and have fun, all whilst taking part in a wide range of exciting activities and camps, both in the UK and abroad. Scouts meet on Wednesdays from 20:00 to 21:15, and makes an exciting addition to the week. If you know anybody that would like to join, please get in touch.
Keele Parish Council
The Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government. We are elected members and there are eleven of us in total plus the Clerk. We are elected/re-elect ed every four years. Parish Council meetings are open to the Public and they are led by the elected chairperson. The Council is advised by the Clerk. Keele Parish Council currently meets in Keele Village Hall every third Tuesday of the month but as of September 23 it will meet on the second Monday of every month.
Keele WI
Keele WI meets in the village Hall at 7.15 on the first Monday of the month. We have 21 members. Each month we have a speaker and a time of refreshment and fellowship. Twice a year we try to have an outing usually an afternoon tea in July and a Christmas meal in December. If any lady ( you don’t have to live in keele would like to come and check it out) please do come along you would be very welcome!
1st Keele Brownies
Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure. It’s full of firsts: she might grow her first plant, cook her first cake, put up (and take down) her first tent, light her first fire, go on her first fun-packed weekend away with guiding friends. With a helpful hand from our encouraging volunteers, she’ll explore her creative side, get out into the great outdoors, and start learning to look after herself, others and the world we live in. There’s something for every girl at Brownies, and plenty of moments she’ll never forget.